Fee Refund Policy : BBSB Armed Forces Preparatory Academy
Following Policy directives are approved on the subject:
(a) In case a cadet withdraws before commencement of the academic session, he will be entitled for refund of fee paid after deduction of Rs 5000/- plus any other committed outstanding charges including charges for the uniform.
(b) In case a cadet withdraws within 10 days of commencement of the academic session and if the seat vacated by him gets filled from waitlisted cadets, one month proportional charges would be deducted in addition to the deductions given at sub-para (a) above. However, if the vacated seat does not get filled within 10 days of commencement of the session, only hostel and food charges for balance duration will be refunded.
(c) In case a cadet withdraws after 10 days of commencement of the academic session for any reason, he will be entitled for refund of food charges for balance duration only.